pantoum for a rainy day

outside, a crow climbs the steep angle of the neighbor’s roof rain drips from the fig tree, branches bare and barren inside, heat rattles the registers boys squeal in delighted play on the blue carpet rain drips from the fig tree, branches bare and barren on my lap, a...

Simply Love

A friend recently wrote me a note of encouragement, which he closed with these words: Keep the main issue the main issue: “The whole point of what we’re urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God.” (1 Timothy...

A Book Giveaway!

Hey friends, Thanks so much for your faithful reading of my blog, especially in these weeks when my posting has been haphazard at best. (I’m sorry!) Today, I’m over at Michelle DeRusha’s place, chatting about anxiety (fun times!), faith crises (more...

Something’s Got To Give (a trip to Kris Camealy’s)

I first “met” Kris Camealy a year and a half or so ago when she left a comment on my blog. At least, I think that’s how it happened. I do remember that her name kept popping up in my comments. And then, late last year, she emailed me and asked me to...

A Letter to Myself Three Years Ago

I first “met” Jennifer Dukes Lee two years ago when I timidly entered a contest to win a trip to Laity Lodge for The High Calling retreat. I didn’t win, but Jennifer left a comment on my blog that made me smile and suspect she was a kindred spirit....

the holy ordinary

It’s a perfect Sunday afternoon: quiet, and I’m alone. Only I’m not alone—there are two babies doing the rumba on my bladder. I sit on the sofa, my journal open on my lap, and stare out the window. I feel restless, like I ought to be doing something, but my body won’t...