The Best Writer I Can Be

Here’s another post inspired by Gaudy Night, which I read back in May on the train to Iowa with Susan. This one was published on Tweetspeak back in June, in honor of author Dorothy Sayers’s birthday on June 13. A couple of years ago, when I was waxing...

A Writer’s Manifesto

  A 12-point manifesto for the writing life. 1. A writer writes. Period. 2. A writer reads. Capaciously. 3. A writer distills experience, sense, image, sensation, life into words. 4. A writer rejoices in a well-turned phrase, an apt metaphor, an evocative...

The Weight of Glory

The toxic harpies from the Belvedere Tennis Club have been particularly loud and nasty these past months. They screech with delight over my every failing—every time I raise my voice or, God forbid, actually yell at my kids, they keel over in gloating glee. Every time...

A Sign Post

Several months ago, after I wrote a post about my need for silence, stillness, and solitude, I had an email exchange with an acquaintance from church—we’ll call him Ben—who wrote to me about his own need for solitude. By day he works in customer...


January and February are historically the hardest months of the year for me. The Seattle gray gets under your skin and makes you want to scream your impotent, housebound rage at the lowering sky. At least it does me. This year has been especially fun: I weaned myself...

Undeserved Riches

Today, I’m moonlighting over at Emily Wierenga’s place. Emily is a fellow contributor at A Deeper Church, The High Calling, and Tweetspeak Poetry. She’s also the author of several books, including her two most recent, both about body image: Chasing...