Hello, and welcome!

I’m K. C. Ireton, and I’m glad you’re here!

I’m the author of two non-fiction books and a collection of short stories, as well as countless essays, articles, and blog posts.

You can learn more about my books over on my books page and can read a few of my favorite essays on my writings page. While you’re on the writings page, check out the “Saints and Angels” podcast episodes, in which I draw on Scripture and Christian tradition to explore the life (and the legends) of a biblical saint. 

Or if fiction’s your thing, come on over to Evensong Stories, my Substack publication, where I (endeavor to) share a new story each month.

Regardless of whether I’m writing fiction or non-fiction, my writing centers on the Christian spiritual life. I write primarily in two genres: I call them Everyday Theology and Down-to-Earth Comedy.

Everyday Theology

The world is a beautiful place. It is also a broken place where bad things happen.

But we need not be afraid, for God is with us, right here, right now. This is the heart of everything I write, this promise of God-with-us, whose perfect love casts out our fear.

If you want more God in your life—more peace, more joy—you’re in the right place. Walk with me as we learn together to attend to the presence of God right where we are.

Down-to-Earth Comedy

My stories are almost always comedy, in the literary sense of the term: they have happy endings. And many of them are romantic comedy.

Comedy is a more Christian art form than tragedy: where tragedy ends in death, comedy brings us through death to new life. And romantic comedy is more Christian still, for our future is a wedding feast.

My fiction explores the transforming presence of a Love that casts out fear and strengthens us to live with faithfulness and courage.

A little bit about me…

I live near Puget Sound with my husband of 24 years and three of our four children (our oldest son is in college). Also, two cats, and a lot of roses.

We are a homeschooling family, and I help run an amazing co-op where I teach literature and Bible. I am also a lay preacher and catechist at my church.

I hold an M. A. in Apologetics from Houston Christian University, where I studied literary apologetics under Dr. Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Modern Reading (an excellent book!) and Dr. Michael Ward, one of the world’s leading C. S. Lewis scholars.

I come from a long line of botanical lovers: my grandfather and aunt were both floral designers, my mom was a gardener, and my sister runs a flower shop. True to form, I enjoy working in my own garden and visiting other people’s gardens.

I love to read; old books are an especial pleasure. My favorite authors include Jane Austen, L. M. Montgomery, Maud Hart Lovelace, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Elizabeth Goudge. Yes, I know. All of my favorite novelists are dead. What can I say? I am a card-carrying member of the Dead Writers Fan Club!

Among living writers, I am a fan of Wendell Berry, and I’ll read anything written by Sarah Clarkson or Amy Baik Lee.

My favorite piece of punctuation is the em dash, followed closely by the Oxford comma.


Thanks for stopping by!

I always delight to connect with readers, so please reach out. I’m not on social media, so the best way to keep in touch is to sign up for my Substack newsletter. Or feel free to send me an email; I respond to each and every one, though it may take me a few days 🙂  I look forward to hearing from you!