I first “met” Kris Camealy a year and a half or so ago when she left a comment on my blog. At least, I think that’s how it happened. I do remember that her name kept popping up in my comments.

And then, late last year, she emailed me and asked me to endorse her (then) forthcoming book about Lent, which I was delighted to do. Over the next several months we traded emails, chatted over Skype, and became friends (not necessarily in that order).

Kris read my book back in July and gave me the exact words of advance praise I was hoping for from someone, anyone: “I laughed and I cried.” That’s what I wanted someone to say, and without my ever having mentioned my secret cherished hope to her, Kris said it, for which I am forever grateful to her.

This lovely woman has exhorted and encouraged me, prayed for me, and cheered me on down this writing road I’m walking. Today, I’m over at her place, chatting it up about my book, the juggling act of homeschooling and writing, and just how clean I don’t keep my house (and don’t even get me started on my jungle yard). Join us?