
A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just begins
to live that day.
–Emily Dickinson

Anxious No More {Habit 2: Cast the Circle}

Anxious No More {Habit 2: Cast the Circle}

For my 35th birthday my dear friend Susan gave me a beautiful old copy of Streams in the Desert, a 19th century devotional book. A week later my twins were born. One of them was in critical condition at death’s door. His lungs kept collapsing, and he had to be...

Anxious No More {Habit 1: Mind the Gap}

As I was heading out the door to take my husband to the train station, I grabbed my cell phone. Immediately a cascade of anxiety washed through my body and with it the remembrance that a friend was angry with me. I stared at the phone in my hand, remembering our...

Anxious No More {Habits for a Happier Life}

Dear Friends, As many of you know, I struggled with chronic anxiety for much of my adult life. In February 2015, I wrote in my journal, "180 days to joy. That's what I want, God. JOY. I am sick of living in fear and anxiety. I WANT JOY." Then I promptly forgot about...


Dear Friends, I am hereby giving you notice that you will be hearing from me weekly for the next two months. Beginning next week, I will be running a weekly series called "Anxious No More: Habits for a Happier Life." If you struggle with anxiety as I have, this is for...

Step Out

  Dear Friends, This may be a record, even for me, sixteen weeks without a word. I apologize. My commitment to this space is waning, has been waning for a year now. I have no vision for it, and without a vision, I find it very difficult to keep walking the road....

Three Things

Dear Friends, When it rains it pours! After a month of not much activity on the publishing front, I have an essay and an interview out today, and a podcast interview last week. First, the essay: Love and Adore is a reflection on Psalm 131, about living deeply rooted...

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