Simply Love

A friend recently wrote me a note of encouragement, which he closed with these words: Keep the main issue the main issue: “The whole point of what we’re urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God.” (1 Timothy...

Something’s Got To Give (a trip to Kris Camealy’s)

I first “met” Kris Camealy a year and a half or so ago when she left a comment on my blog. At least, I think that’s how it happened. I do remember that her name kept popping up in my comments. And then, late last year, she emailed me and asked me to...

Edging into Mystery

I finished my book on the last Saturday of December and sent it off to my editor. He and I talked this past Saturday, and let’s just say I am over the moon: he loved it. It needs work, but he could see past its flaws to the book I was trying to write, and...

Writer Sipping Coffee

Recently an editor I worked with called me a writer sipping coffee. He included himself in this delightful epithet, but somehow “editor sipping coffee” just doesn’t have the same ring. It lacks that connotation of clueless self-absorption and artistic egotism inherent...

Nothing But Net

10:52 a.m. I’m at the park with my kids. They’re happily doing what my son calls “double dides” down the twisty slide: they lie down side by side and speed to the bottom. I sit on the edge of the sandbox with a group of other moms. They’re talking about a sale on...