Dang Good Writing

Jack is reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe right now. He reads it to himself every night before lights-out, and he reads a couple pages to me each day so I know he’s reading the words correctly and understands what he’s reading. He is. He does....

Summer Reading 3

In my last post, I mentioned two literary novels that I’d read on my vacation and found…uninspiring. The second of these books was the better of the two, largely because it had an amazing ending. That richly satisfying ending transfigured the whole rest of...

Summer Reading 2

I read two novels on my vacation at Ross Lake that would be considered “literary.” I feel like an ignorant rube, an uncultured, unrefined, uneducated boor: I don’t really like literary novels. I find them, ahem, boring. Or at least, I found these two boring. If I...