A New Church Year Begins {Advent Resources}

This photo of my youngest is one of my very favorites—his joy over the lighting of the Advent candle is infectious! It’s not Advent yet, but soon, soon. This coming Sunday, November 20, is the final Sunday of the church year, on which we celebrate Christ the...

These Wintry Nights: Four Good Books for Christmastime

Since our move, our books have been in disarray. Half of them are in boxes in the garage, awaiting shelves. The other half are shoved almost willy-nilly onto the shelves we do have, awaiting their chums’ arrival so they can be put in order once more. So it was a...

Books to Feed Your Soul While You Wait for Christmas

Last year, on the first Friday of Advent, I headed down to the basement to grab our wreath-form, so I could take it to church that night and make our Advent wreath. Since I was rummaging around in the Advent box, I grabbed a dozen or so of our favorite Christmas books...