Pooh Sticks at Piper’s Creek

We are each “formed to be a spectator of the created world – and given eyes that [we] might be led to its Author by so beautiful a representation.” –John Calvin   It was a sunny fall Friday back in the days when I still had a jogging stroller because I still had...

Writings of Late

Dear Friends, Though it’s been months since my last post, I have not taken a break from writing, only from writing on my blog. In the past few weeks, I’ve had three pieces published on other websites, and I wanted to let you know about them. First, an...

A New Church Year Begins {Advent Resources}

This photo of my youngest is one of my very favorites—his joy over the lighting of the Advent candle is infectious! It’s not Advent yet, but soon, soon. This coming Sunday, November 20, is the final Sunday of the church year, on which we celebrate Christ the...

Evensong, Heading East

I wrote a version of the following essay two years ago. Some of you read it when I published it here on my blog. But it always rankled. It wasn’t…what I wanted it to be, so this fall I revisited it, revised it (with some wise and helpful words from my dear...

The Making of the Bread

As I type these words, sourdough bread is rising in the kitchen. My husband and I have been making our own bread for 12 years. In the spring we decided we were ready to try a new challenge: sourdough. So we ordered a starter from King Arthur—because theirs was...